Welcome to the Community Page for the parish of Our Lady of Lourdes and St. Gregory’s.

Choir Workshops

We will hold several workshops for the choir members of Our Lady of Lourdes and St Gregory’s on the Monday evenings from 7:00pm to 9:00pm

These sessions will be led by Martin Barry, the Director of Music at Salford Cathedral, and are open to anyone with an interest in Church music.

Parish Mission

CaFE (Catholic Faith Exploration) will be leading a Parish Mission.  Please prepare for it by praying for ourselves and for all members of the parish, particularly those who have drifted away from Mass attendance.

Weekly Collection Envelopes

Please continue to use the envelopes for your weekly offering – it really helps to claim the Gift Aid back from HMRC

Holy Father’s mission

that Christians suffering persecution may be prophets of Christ’s love through their witness

Pilgrimage to Lourdes

There are details of three pilgrimage to Lourdes for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception on the notice board.


To arrange a Baptism please text name and address to Fr. David’s mobile (07804 144258) to arrange a visit by Fr. David to your home


Six months’ notice required for weddings in the Salford Diocese

Courtyard Project

Youth Drop-in for young people aged 15-25. Thursdays from 7:30pm to 8:45pm in Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Centre.  For details, please phone Mary on 07821-138122 or email courtyardfarnworth@gmail.com

Food Bank

Our branch of the Farnworth Food Bank is open for enquiries about vouchers etc on Monday between 12:00nn-2:00pm

Credit Union

Open on Mondays, our local branch of HOOT Credit Union is a realistic alternative to loan companies and a simple way to save for holidays and Christmas

Work Club

Open Mondays, helps and encourages people to apply for work through job searches and preparing CV’s

Baby and Toddler Group

Open to parents and carers with their young children from 9:00am on Monday mornings.  This is an ideal opportunity to build and support friendship

Women’s Development Group

The group meets on Monday mornings at 9:30am and is open to any woman-young and not so young to meet others for craft based activities


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